Paleolithic Men-India(stone age)


The paleolithic men derived from two Greek words meaning old stone. we found evidence about this type of men only from  their  daily product they use for their living. This type of men not to be establish any type of record for their existence.The daily product they use for hunting and gathering. They use different type of stone weapon for hunting and gathering which we found form different parts of  India, mostly from south India and eastern India, Central India like-some parts of Madras present day Chennai and as well as from areas Madhya Pradesh .They use hard rock like "Quartzite". so they are also called called "Quartzite men".These period is called Pleistocene period ice age.


This type of men have no common social culture because they are uncivilized type of person. There full of lifestyle depend upon hunting&gathering.They roaming here and there for their existence like barbarian.They lived in a place where suitable for their existence like in cave in different parts of India.Most famous cave of that period in India are Bhimbetkar cave in Madhya pradesh. There was not found any type  good record  about their culture we know about their culture only from cave their  cave painting with different type of stone like red stone they use for painting in the cave  wall, they developed the cave paintings what they do in the whole of their life "how to hunt a animals by weapon and cook food, other evidence are  stone tools and weapon they use for  hunting and gathering which are made only by stone tools and animals bones.In that period  at last  stage of lower  paleolithic period our ancestor called homo erectus  our ancestor discovered fire  and also control this fire too.They started to use fire for hunting as well as cooking, we know this that they are totally uncivilized type of people.


Source: Human origins


From the rough and rude stone implement which are only records left behind by earliest-known inhabitant of India, we can form only a cloudy idea of their life and habits.we know that this type of people not know about the metal, they know only  about the stone culture,most of them have no fixed type of homes, and other make their huts with trees and leaves. The evidence of leaves and trees huts we found at upper paleolithic period, but at previous times they are only cave dwellers, they have no specific homes.They lived on killing wild animals like tigers, lion, elephants, crocodiles, rhinoceros etc.They have no idea of agriculture, but lived on the flesh of animals and such fruits and vegetables as grew in jungles.They could not make pottery too.There lifestyle are little opposite from animals is well remember that men have developing that culture  and civilization that we are so justly proud today.It has been believed that paleolithic men belonged to the Neg-rite race, like modern people of andaman islands,and where characterize by short structure, dark skin, woolly hair, flat nose.They only lived 20-25 years.They were also started to lived in groups too.There lifestyle also not so advance at this period.They are commonly looks like chimpanzee.


We know that the paleolithic must be divided into three stages are lower paleolithic, middle paleolithic, upper paleolithic stages. we found their existence mostly on forest and river sites. we found the evidence of paleolithic period  which was 2 millions years old at in south Asia Riwat Pakistan, Attirampakkam, Hunsgi,-Baichbal  valley some parts of Maharashtra, Northern Karnataka.


LOWER PALEOLITHIC AGE:These period was lasted between 5 Lakh.- 50,000 B.C.These was the first stage of transformation of human being from homenids of Africa such as Australopithecus, Robustus, Africanus to Homo Habilis,then Homo Rudolfensis and then homo Erectus. They look like chimpanzee too.They only eat animals food without cooking eat,as they also didn't know about fire too.They roaming here and there in search of food and suitable weather.Traces of this age found in  Mirzapur in U.P., Bhimbetkar in M.P., Soan  in Punjab.The tools they used are hand axe,clever &chooper for skining the meat.

MIDDLE PALEOLITHIC AGE:In this age human being become more civilized as compare to earlier human they started to lived in cave and also started eat food after fried it.They use fire in vast scale,as we found many evidence of ashes from the Archaeological sites during excavation .These era was lasted between 50,000 B.C.-40,000 B.C. There tools also becomes highly equipped too.
In this age we found many skeleton of our ancestor called as homo Ergustus and Neanderthal which are the last form after that they turned into full human being.These stage was also called as Mousiness culture.Traces of this age found in Narmada and in south Tungabhadra.The they used mostly flakes tools like Points,Borer, Scapers,Blades etc.There tools started to become small as years passes.

UPPER PALEOLITHIC AGE:In these age people came out from cave and  made a permanent shelter with the help of leaves and plant,they became more advance, they also started to gather food in large amount.In this stage they are started to developed into homo sapiens. There brain started to shrink   They started to became civilized and from old world they went to be enter into a new world. This period last between 40,000 B.C-10,000 B.C.Traces of this age found in Karnataka, Maharashtra,Southern U.P. and in Southern Bihar. The they used are Burins& Blades.


source: Wikipedia


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